This subject guide is meant to complement your work as field education supervisor by providing curated resources on topics such as theological reflection, mentoring, spiritual formation, coaching and more. Tools and instructions for accessing these resources are also provided. Visit us at the library for additional assistance, or contact Tisha Woo.
The resources found on the Where Do I Start? page can provide the jumping off point for your reading and research path on a variety of topics. They include introductory materials that will help you define the focus and scope of your topic and establish a basic knowledge foundation. Many of these resources also feature great bibliographies that can point you toward more in-depth materials as you move forward.
Readings related to your course materials and suggestions for searching the online card catalog for relevant research materials can be found on the Find Books page.
Find Articles can help point you to the appropriate databases for your subject or topic as well as provide basic information for navigating those databases.