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CS110 Introduction to Contextual Analysis : Find Books

Course guide for CS110 Introduction to Contextual Analysis

Electronic Resources

Related Reading

Subject Searches to Get You Started

The following links will take you to the corresponding Library of Congress subject listings in the card catalog, which will help you find relevant resources. The same Library of Congress subject headings can be used in many of the databases.

Library Catalog Search

The Barbour Library online catalog, contains records for the library's physical materials as well as portions of our electronic collections and now includes a tab for database search results! It can be accessed from the library homepage, using the quick search box below, or from the library catalog link.

Quick Search


How to Search

Finding a book in the Barbour Library collection starts with the catalog search page as shown below:


First, you must determine where you are searching.  The default setting, Everything,  searches all of our resources, including both the Barbour Library collection and the database collection.  However, you can switch to a more specific location:

Limiting your search to the library collection means that you will only receive results that are items from the library catalog, like books, ebooks, or DVDs.  In contrast, the database search returns articles and abstracts from our digital database subscriptions.  A third option only searches items that have been put on reserve for PTS courses.  The other options below the top three represent specific Barbour Library collections that can be searched, like ebooks or reference materials.

The catalog search box defaults to a basic keyword search, but this can be changed to a variety of search fields:



Here is a brief description of the various search categories:

Keyword:  Keyword search is the catalog's default search setting.  Keyword searches for the words select in every field of an item's catalog entry (title, author, etc.) so it has a tendency to return a high volume of results. 

Author:  Enter the name of the author last name first ("Barth, Karl") to retrieve works by that author.  You can also use author search to find works by a group ("Society of Biblical Literature" or "United States Congress").

Title:  Type in the full or partial title of a work to retrieve it.  Searching for a series title will retrieve works in that series.  You can also use title search to find a title within a collection, like the title of an essay within an anthology.

Journal Title:  Just like the title search above, except that search results are exclusively from our periodical collection.

Subject:  You can use this search to find a list of books by subject.  The Barbour Library collection uses Library of Congress (LC)subject headings.  Most of the time the subject headings are simple and intuitive ("pastoral care", "Buddhism", etc.) but sometimes you will need to figure out the appropriate LC wording to find what you want.  If you are looking for books on the book of Luke, for example, the subject would be "Bible.  Luke".  Persons can also be searched for as subjects, using the same last name first order shown in the author search above.

Series Title:  Like the title search, but it locates all of the items in a particular series, like Anchor Bible 

ISBN/ISSN:  An ISBN is a unique number that is assigned to a specific book.  If you have this number, it is a quick and efficient way to find the exact title you are looking for.  An ISSN is similar to an ISBN, but it assigned to journal titles instead of individual books. 

Call Number:  A call number is a unique combination of letters and numbers that is used to identify a specific work.  For example, the Library of Congress call number for our most recent edition of Walter Bruggeman's The Prophetic Imagination is BS1198.B84 2001.  If you already have a book's call number, you can use this search to quickly determine whether or not it is in the Barbour Library collection and if so, where it is located.

For additional tips on finding books, see the Finding Books Library Guide here.