The Atlas for Alum database provides full-text access to 360+ journals in many diverse areas of religion and theology, with content in more than 20 languages from more than 35 different countries. Content includes articles, book reviews, essays, and more. Atlas for Alum is an EBSCO database, and has some navigational tools specific to theological study that we are going to explore in this guide.
Alumnae/i have access to the ATLAS for Alums database through the Alumnae/i link on the PTS homepage. Then go to Resources and the section for American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Database or go to this page directly by clicking this link.
A PTS account is required. If you do not have a PTS account, fill out the PTS Account Signup Form.
As you can see in the screen capture below, this database opens to a basic search box. You can enter a word or multiple words into this box, and if more than one word is used, EBSCO will automatically treat them as separated by the word "and," so that they will occur in your results in any combination and not necessary as a set in the order you assign. A search for church history, for example might return an article entitled "A History of Church Street." To get EBSCO to search for that exact phrase, you will need to encapsulate it in quotation marks, like "Church History."
Any word or words entered into the basic search box of Atlas for Alum are used to find results that contain the word or words in all of the fields of an article, such as author, title, or subject. If you would like to search a specific field, you will need to select the advance search.
Inserting a field code into your search will insure that your word or word will only be searched in that specific field within an article. This is especially useful for title and subject searches, and it will minimize a return of less relevant results.
The Atlas for Alum database provides a number of limiter tools that you can use during or after your search to further narrow the results to the most relevant and accessible materials. If you wish to use limiters during your initial search, they can be found at the bottom of the Advanced Search screen.
If you choose to use them after you initial search to filter and refine your results, they can be found on the left-hand side of the page.