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Online Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary

Searching the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary



The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary is split into six volumes, and the most efficient way to find an entry within the Dictionary is to select the appropriate volume and scroll through the table of contents.  Clicking on the link for the entry will retrieve the full text.



Both the entire Dictionary and the individual volumes are searchable, and you can type your search term in the search box at the main page, or after you have selected a volume.  This will retrieve every entry in the set or the individual volume that contains the search term, and often this will mean a large quantity of results.  Therefore, it is generally more expedient to use the table of contents search unless the wording of the entry is unknown, or if you are looking for related dictionary entries.

Dictionary Entries

Each entry in the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary contains author and publication information, along with the text of the entry.  Links at the top allow quick access to the different sections of the entry.  A few convenient options appear in the top right corner, including creating a printable version and generating a citation in APA, MLA, or Chicago style.



Even if you don't read every section of the entry, don't miss out on the expansive bibliography at the end, which can provide avenues for further research.