ProQuest Ebook Central contains eBooks selected and purchased by Barbour Library. New titles are added throughout the year and this is a growing collection. All titles can also be found in the library's online catalog.
General Search - Use the search box at the top to enter in keyword(s), titles, authors, or ISBNs.
Advanced Search - Click the "Advanced Search" link below the search box. This also allows you to check the box for "Owned and subscribed to by my library" and do an empty search to bring up a list of all eBooks available.
Featured Titles - A carousel view of eBook titles. Click a book image to be taken to the detailed page.
Once you have found an eBook you are interested in, click the title to bring up the detail page.
Basic information:
Reading, Downloading, and Printing
Whole eBooks cannot be downloaded or printed, only read online, but chapters can be downloaded and pages can be printed. Each eBook has its own allocation for how many pages can be printed or downloaded (within 24 hours). This can be seen under the "Availability" section of the details page (highlighted in yellow below).
***Please note that in order to download chapters or print pages of an eBook, you are required to sign-up/log into your own Ebook Central account.
To create a free account, follow the instructions when prompted and use your PTS email. Afterwards you'll just need to sign into your free account when you want to download or print chapters from a ProQuest eBook in the future.
Downloading/Printing - Due to copyright and DRM, to download or print eBook chapters you will need to create an account in ProQuest Ebook Central using your PTS email.
Remember that some eBooks only allow 1-3 people to view a title at the same time. Be courteous and close out of an eBook when you are done viewing. You can save, email, or print up to a certain number of pages.