Barbour Library has begun to increase the number of eBooks in its collection. eBooks are available through the library's catalog and can also be found through a number of select databases. This guide will help you to find and read eBooks available in Barbour Library's collection.
At this time, Barbour Library doesn't offer eBooks for checkout or download but for online reading purposes only. Some vendors allow portions of an eBook to be saved or printed but it varies by publisher.
Online Catalog - Advanced Search
1. Go to the library's catalog and click on the Advanced Search link, located next to the search button
2. Enter in your search term(s)
3. Check the box next to Ebooks under the "Limits" section
4. Click the Advanced Search button
5. To view the full text, click the View Electronic Resource link on the results page
Online Catalog - Library Search
1. Go to the library's catalog
2. Enter your search term(s) into the box and click the Search button
3. On the results list, on the right had side under the "Material Type" facet, check the box next to Electronic Book
4. Click the Include button
5. To view the full text, click the View Electronic Resource link on the results page
Online Catalog - Database Search
1. Go to the library's catalog
2. Enter your search term(s) into the box
3. Select the Database Search from the first drop down menu
4. Click the Search button
5. If you have a limited view of your results page, please Log In to get a complete view of your results list.
6. To view the full text, click on the "Full Text" or "EDS Full Text" buttons.
Bible Commentaries
Barbour Library provides access to over 400 Bible commentaries. These commentaries are made available on a few different platforms, depending on where we purchased them (EBSCO, Project Muse, JSTOR, etc.). Click on the other tabs in this guide to find platform-specific information, such as how many pages are allowed for download.
Follow these instructions for finding online commentaries:
Find Online Resources in the Library Catalog
In order to find online resources for particular books of the Bible, follow these instructions:
Here are a few more searches that will give you online Bible resources:
Bible - Criticism, Interpretation, etc.
(use the facets on the left to narrow the results)
Find Online Resources in Databases
BI210 English Bible Exegesis - Find Articles
(this is a page in another guide that provides resources and instructions for finding journal articles related to Bible research)
More guides for particular Bible courses can be found on the LibGuides page.
Finding eBooks in Databases
You can directly access the majority of the library's eBooks through the catalog including eBooks from the following vendors: EBSCO, Project MUSE, JSTOR, ProQuest, Brill, Cambridge, Liverpool, and Oxford.
There are a few eBook collections that aren't available in the library's catalog or the interface combines multiple collections into one platform, including some dictionaries, encyclopedias, T&T Clark/Eerdmans, Early English Books Online (EEBO), etc.
At this time, the Barbour eBook collection is available for online reading only. Titles are not available for checkout or download, which enables us to provide greater accessibility to multiple users.
Anyone on campus can access the eBook collection. Off-campus accessibility is only provided to PTS students, faculty, and staff and requires the use of a remote access login. For more information on logging in from off campus to use any of the library's electronic resources, see Remote Access: Library Account & Databases.