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eBooks: EBSCO eBook Collection

Learn how to find and access eBooks from various publishers.

Introduction to EBSCO eBook Collection

The EBSCO eBook Collection offers electronic books in a variety of subjects including religion, philosophy, history, social sciences, and much more. Click on the tabs to find more information about searching, features, technical information, and other helpful resources.

The EBSCO eBook Collection offers electronic books in a variety of subjects including religion, philosophy, history, social sciences, and much more. 

You may search for EBSCO eBooks through the library's catalog (see How to Find eBooks) or you can go directly to the EBSCO eBook Collection from the Articles and Databases webpage. 


Once in the EBSCO eBook Collection, you can browse by category (located on the left hand side).

There is a basic search available, where you can enter in keywords, author, titles, etc. If you want to do a more advanced search, click on the Advanced Search link under the regular search box.


An Advanced Search allows you to enter in more search terms and criteria.

Viewing Results

Once you've performed a search, there are numerous actions you can take from the results page.

  • View the eBook by clicking on the PDF Full Text or EPUB Full Text links.
  • Access the table of contents by clicking on the Table of Content link.
  • For more information, such as a more detailed description, click on the title.

For more eBook features, check out the Features tab on this page.

Online Reader Features

Save/Email/Print Pages: You may save, email, or print a certain number of pages depending on the eBook publisher. To find this information, look on the detailed record for the Publisher Permissions section. In the example below, you may only save/email/print up to 10 pages. 

User Access: 
The number of users who can view an eBook at the same time varies from 1-3 or even unlimited. This number can be found on the detailed record page under Concurrent User Level. If the copies available says 0, someone else is currently viewing the eBook and you will need to check back later. In the example below, there is 1 copy available to view. 


Add to Folder: EBSCO gives you the option to store article and eBook records, as well as searches you've performed, in a folder. In order for these saved items to be stored after you log off, you must sign in before you add items to your folder. To sign in, you must create a free account by clicking Sign In and then clicking on Create One Now

Adjust Screen Size: You can easily adjust the screen size using the 3-5 icons on the bottom right of the screen. These buttons give you the option to zoom in and out, fit the screen/reader, and even go into full screen mode.

Cite: Provides the citation to the eBook in numerous styles. The citation isn't always correct so please pay special attention to names, capitalization, dates, and punctuation. 

Dictionary: Easily look up definitions to words.

Export: You can export the citation to a variety of citation management systems. 

Permalink: This feature provides a permanent URL for the page you are on. It's an easy way to get back to the book/section when you need to.


If an eBook is left open in a browser and is no longer being used, the session will time out after 30 minutes. 

Browser Information:

Minimum browser requirements for EBSCO interfaces are:

  • Microsoft Edge - latest version plus one previous major version
  • Firefox - latest version plus one previous version
  • Safari - latest version plus one previous version
  • Google Chrome - latest version plus one previous version
  • Other - JavaScript, cookies enabled, DOM storage

Support for Internet Explorer ended as of June 15, 2022.

How do I update my browser? 

How do I clear cookies in my web browser?


  • Adobe Flash Player 10.0 or later is required to use Text-to-Speech on interfaces in which it is available.
  • Safari users - Private mode is not supported when using EBSCO interfaces.
  • You can test for the version of Java installed on your computer at the following web site:

For more updated information, check out EBSCO Browser Requirements.

EBSCO eBook Collection

Things to Remember

Remember that some eBooks only allow 1-3 people to view a title at the same time. Be courteous and close out of an eBook when you are done viewing. Your session will end automatically if you have an eBook open and you have been inactive for 30 minutes. Remember you can save, email, or print up to a certain number of pages.