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eBooks: Other eBooks

Learn how to find and access eBooks from various publishers.

Introduction to Other eBooks

With both ATLA Historical Monographs Series, searching is similar to the EBSCO eBooks and other EBSCO databases.

1. Enter in your search term(s) in the boxes provided. Then click Search.

2. Click on the Access now (PDF) to see the eBook contents. Unlike other eBooks, the pages are pictures or images of text, and it may take a while for the PDF to load.

3. To get to other sections, you can either page through using the arrows at the bottom, enter in a page number at the bottom, or scroll through. 

4. There are multiple options on the top right toolbar that you might find useful, including:

-Cite (image of quotations)

-Download (download image)

-Print (printer icon)

-Listen (headphones icon) 

There are similar features and technical information as the EBSCO eBook collection available.


1. To view the list of available full-text eBooks, on the left hand side under Availability, check the All content I have access to box to automatically narrow your results

2. Click on the book title to view more details and access content

3. To view content, scroll down to the Contents section and click on the chapter title or view title 

4. This will bring up the HTML view. To view the PDF, click on the PDF icon

5. Once the PDF is opened, you are able to print or download that specific chapter

There are multiple digital library collections through Alexander Street Press: Karl Barth, Classical Protestant Texts, Catholic Reformation, and Twentieth Century Religious Thought, Volume I-IV, (see list at bottom for links to all). They are similar in search techniques so you can use the following instructions below to gain access to content. 

1. Once you select a collection, you will find the menu along the top of the page under the image header. Sometimes the headers are single buttons while others are images to scroll through. Depending on the resource, you can browse a list of all works, authors, genres, series, publishers, archival collections, and order/affiliation or you can conduct a search.

2. When viewing by:

  • Authors - click the number under the Works By column to see a list of all documents available by that author or select Works About. This is often titled "Browse People" after getting to the results screen instead of Authors. 
  • Works - click the View Text link which will take you to the table of contents for that specific work. There is also the option to view images and bibliographical details.
  • Series - click the number under the Related Works column where you can see the works associated with that series.
  • Genre - click on the number under the Count column to be taken to a list of works.
  • Archival Collections - click on the number under the Documents column to bring you to a list of works.
  • Publishers - click on the number under the Related Works column to see items by a particular publisher. 
  • Religious Traditions - click on the number either under the Authors or Works columns. 
  • Topics - click on View Results to be brought to a list of sections about that topic. Click on the section title to be taken to the text.

*Please note that you are able to refine your search at anytime when browsing.

3. You can also conduct a search by:

  • Authors - enter in the author's name (ex. Calvin, Jean). There are options to search within a specific topic or biblical citation.
  • Works - enter in keyword(s) into the search box. Click on "show search options" which will allow you to limit your search by author, title, genre, language, etc.

Option 1 - Select Title

1. Click a title from the list presented on the main page.

2. A list of works will be available on the left hand side of the browser. Click the volume you want, then volume again, and keep clicking until you find the section you are looking for.

Option 2 - Search

1. Click Search from the top menu bar. 

2. This will bring you to a search screen where you can: enter in keyword(s), search in specific titles, search in specific subjects, limit by author, and much more. 

3. On the results page, you can click on Volume which will bring you to the whole section OR you can click on the word and it will take you to that specific section where the word was found.

There is also an option to browse by Subject.


1. Scroll down and click on the title you want to view. All the volumes for the series are listed by volume number. 

2. This will bring you to the details page of the book selected. To view the full text, click PDF.


Electronic Resources Librarian

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Carrie Nelson
Clifford E. Barbour Library
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
616 N. Highland Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15206