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BookTALK: PTS Community Series

This guide contains resources that complement the PTS Community Series sponsored by the Center for Writing and Learning Support and Barbour Library

Library & Online Resources

Christina Kukuk is an alumna of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (MDiv ’05). She has been an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ for more than seventeen years, serving congregations in Cleveland and rural Southern Oregon, amongst other places. A writer and pastor currently living in Oregon, Christina attended journalism school at Kent State University and worked as a business reporter for the Akron Beacon Journal in Ohio. Since then, her freelance work has appeared in numerous publications, including Belt MagazineBearings OnlineGEEZ magazineThe Christian Century, and Spirituality & Health. She is the author of Loving What Doesn’t Last, published in October 2021 by Morehouse Publishing.

Visit Christina's website at 

Select Bibliography

The following books are not currently in the Barbour Library collection. The links below will take you to either (which supports local bookstores) or, where you can purchase the book.

Frank, Georgia, Susan R. Holman, and Andrew S. Jacobs (eds.) The Garb of Being: Embodiment and the Pursuit of Holiness in Late Ancient Christianity. New York: Fordham University Press, 2020.

Klenig, John W. Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021.

Kukuk, Christine. Loving What Doesn't Last: An Adoration of the Body. Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 2021.

Tennent, Timothy C. For the Body: Recovering a Theology of Gender, Sexuality, and the Human Body. Grand Rapids: Seedbed Publishing, 2021.

Books in Barbour Library

Print books below may be checked out by PTS students, faculty, and staff, as well as local area patrons who have library accounts (requires an annual fee). Ebooks are indicated by asterisks, and are available to current PTS students, faculty, and staff only.

Library Resources by Subject

Articles in Barbour Library

Articles that are available online have links, and are only available to current PTS students, faculty, and staff. Articles without links are in the print journal collection.

Copeland, Shawn M. “Scripture and Our Selves.” America 213, no. 7 (September 21, 2015): 18–20.

Jacobsen, Anders-Christian. “The Nature, Function, and Destiny of the Human Body: Origen’s Interpretation of 1 Cor 15.” Zeitschrift Für Antikes Christentum 23, no. 1 (2019): 36–52.

Johnson, Andy. “The Resurrection and Ascension of True Humanity in Luke-Acts.” Journal of Theological Interpretation 15, no. 2 (2021): 247–61

Øye, Robin. “Disembodying the Body.” Cross Accent 30, no. 2 (Sum 2022): 25–28.

Pattison, Bonnie L. “Worship and Calvin’s Theology of the Body in His Anti-Nicodemite Writings.” Calvin Theological Journal 55, no. 2 (November 2020): 255–76.

Verde, Danilo. “Trauma, Poetry, and the Body: On the Psalter’s Own Words for Wounds.” Biblica 101, no. 2 (2020): 208–30

Winfield, Taylor Paige. “Embodied Theodicy: From Conceptual to Bodily Engagements with Suffering.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 89, no. 1 (March 2021): 204–39.