Andrew Nagy-Benson is the senior pastor of Congregational Church of Middlebury (United Church of Christ) and an affiliate chaplain at Middlebury College. He is currently a student in the Doctor of Ministry program in Creative Writing and Public Theology at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Andy lives with his family in Weybridge, Vermont.
Andrea Lloyd is the pastor of the Trinitarian Congregational Parish of Castine (United Church of Christ) and a former professor of biology at Middlebury College. Andi lives in Castine, Maine.
Letters from the Ecotone: Ecology, Theology, and Climate Change invites readers into an open-hearted dialogue between friends--a scientist and a pastor. In a series of letters written during the pandemic, Lloyd and Nagy-Benson explore the realities of climate change from the perspectives of ecology and Christian theology. The authors seek common ground, where science and religion meet and share a vision of flourishing life on earth. At a time when the climate crisis is quickly emerging as an existential threat, this book charts a journey imbued with the insights of ecological science and the wisdom of the Christian tradition.
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Select Bibliography
The following books are not currently in the Barbour Library collection. The links below will take you to either (which supports local bookstores) or, where you can purchase the book.
Ayres Jennifer R. Inhabitance: Ecological Religious Education. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2019.
Benedict XVI, Pope. The Garden of God: Toward a Human Ecology. Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2014.
Poole Kristen. Christianity in a Time of Climate Change: To Give a Future with Hope. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2020.
Printable Bibliography
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Books in Barbour Library
Print books below may be checked out by PTS students, faculty, and staff, as well as local area patrons who have library accounts (requires an annual fee). Ebooks are indicated by asterisks, and are available to current PTS students, faculty, and staff only.
Click on the links below to perform subject searches in the library catalog:
Climatic changes -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Environmental protection -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Nature -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.
Select Bibliography
The articles below without links are not available in the Barbour Library journal collection - please check your local library for interlibrary loan services in order to obtain copies of these.
Cosgrave, William. 2023. “Our Care of God’s Creation: Towards an Ecological Spirituality.” The Furrow 74 (2): 107–19.
Tyler, Peter. 2022. “O Magnum Mysterium?: Eco-Theology at the Foot of the Cross.” New Blackfriars 103 (1104): 189–205.
Articles in Barbour Library
Articles that are available online have links, and are only available to current PTS students, faculty, and staff. Articles without links are in the print journal collection.
Moore, Mary Elizabeth. 2022. “Responding to a Weeping Planet: Practical Theology as a Discipline Called by Crisis.” Religions 13 (3): 1–14
Peracullo, Jeane, and Rosa Bella M Quindoza. 2022. “The Environmental Activism of a Filipino Catholic Faith Community: Re-Imagining Ecological Care for the Flourishing of All.” Religions 13 (1): 1–16.
Preston, Katharine M. 2022. “Earth’s Self-Care: The Blue-and-Green-Marbled Planet Is Trying Her Best to Restore Stability.” The Christian Century 139 (17): 40–44.
Prowse, Yvonne R. 2022. “An Ecological Spirituality.” The Way 61 (1): 90–94
Siegrist, Anthony G. 2023. “As Long as the Earth Endures: Looking for Providence in the Ecological Crisis.” Vision (Winnipeg, Man.) 24 (1): 6–14.
Jon chats with pastor (and former ecologist) Andi Lloyd about her journey from science to ministry,
the reality of climate grief, and how we mourn the damage to our interconnected relationships.